My Daily Reads – 2

Some more tech news.


The go-to point for in-depth reviews and deep dives into computer hardware. Everything from CPUs, GPUs, motherboards, keyboards – if you want to know what goes on behind the scenes of your favourite OS this is the place to follow.

Their annual iPhone reviews and discussions of new chips from Intel-AMD-Nvidia-Apple are my favourites.

I would study this site for computer hardware purchase decisions too. Though sadly, in India, product availability is what ultimately determines the buy, not performance or price.

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The name says it all. Only for hard core Apple fans. All the news and all the rumours – no matter how small or dubious the source.

AppleInsider is another alternative.

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They cover everything in tech. And that is a lot of topics. They don’t have in-depth article but are fast.

I follow them primarily to keep track of investments and business deals in the technology world. They cover pretty much everything of note including many of the deals that occur in India.

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This is one of the most fascinating blogs I have ever encountered.

He covers the various changes that Google and Apple are making to their maps. It goes in amazing detail and and shows you how things are evolving and at what pace. It might sound drab but you have to see it to get it.

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