Qusai Haider

I, along with my dad, run Hredai. If you need help managing buildings, or are curious about what systems you’d need for something like that, check it out.
Born and brought up in Surat, a city for which I have complicated feelings.
Schooling at St. Xavier’s, a BSc in Economics, an MBA in Family Business from SPJIMR.
What do I follow? Technology, Science and Economics – especially their interaction points.
Programming (mostly Ruby) and Photography are my passions. I have picked up Baking over the lock-down period. Love my bike too.
I tend to get obsessive over my entertainment. Mystery and Humour in Novels, Manga, Anime, select TV Series, Racing and Strategy Games… (Spent far more time on them than I should have in the past😅)
Also, checkout Haiderisms by FJ Haider. Wonderful, thoughtful poems.